We remanufacture hydro-static drives:
Eaton, Sunstrand & Dynapower for mining
Many exchange units available.
Click here for more information.
Cylinder Service Centre:
Cylinders – Large Diameter
Strengthened facility with the addition of a Cylinder Nut Torquing Machine.
Click here for more information.
New seal service centre:
Precision Lapping and Reconditioning of:
- Mechanical Seals
- Valve Seals
In carbon, ceramic, tungsten carbide, silicone carbide, NI-resist, stainless steal.
We would welcome your enquiries for the Lapping and Resurfacing of seal faces and valve seats to any diameter.
Precision Grinding
Custom Grinding and Lapping of pistons, valve plates, mechanical seals.
Power Lapping to 16″ Diameter
Tolerances to .000001″ (One millionth of an Inch)